Consistently. Simply. Better.

Ahead of the encryption race

We extract key intelligence and insights from encrypted communications data.

Consistently. Simply. Better.

We get the job done. In time.

Data is like a jigsaw puzzle. Encrypted. Multilayered. Elusive.
Only the best technology will keep us all safe.
That is why we develop, we deploy, and we decode.

We enable our clients to get better intelligence and insights. With better technology and with one task in mind; getting the job done. And done in time. Every time.

We do it to help agencies keep us all safe.
Far away. In the city. In the streets. In our home.

Consistently. Simply. Better.

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We are all xtended

Xtended technology and people

We xtend technology to help agencies around the world to get the job done. In time.

We bring next-generation technology into the world to do good and keep evil threats at check — but covertly and off the grid.

We are a creative community of deep experts who believe in the cause. Bureaucracy gets you nowhere. Rather we chase what comes next. Next innovation. Next technology. Next job done.

More about career
It is a constant race against time. Because data moves

Next generation technology ensuring your safety

Our software is used in mission-critical operations. That means it must be scalable, dependable, and rock solid. Our modern technology stack enables us to be just that. 

More about our technology